
Traffic Police Try (in Vain) to Educate Delivery Riders on Road Safety


Jiangsu News

Some of them we may even know by name now. But that doesn’t change the fact they are capable of taking a life at any point. Who are we talking about? Takeout-delivery riders, of course, and their mission to make as many money-earning deliveries as humanly possible.

Therefore, traffic police in Xuzhou of Jiangsu Province recently held a safety-management seminar and traffic-safety-training meeting for the heads of various takeout-delivery firms in the City’s Yunlong District.

The activity was organised together with the Xuzhou City Yunlong District Bureau of Commerce, the District Emergency Management Bureau and the District Market Supervision Bureau, as the Yangtze Evening News reports.

Therein, police officers from the Yunlong District traffic police squad played to the heads videos analysing accident case studies, in particular those involving delivery-riders’ traffic violations, highlighting the many crimes committed on a daily basis by the riders they represent:

  • Disregarding traffic laws and regulations;
  • Speeding;
  • Running red lights;
  • Riding in the opposite direction;
  • Distracted riding on the phone;
  • Not observing lane discipline;
  • Arbitrarily changing lanes;
  • Disrespecting zebra crossings;

To that list, The Nanjinger would add all of the above, in a crowded-pedestrian zone filled with early evening shoppers.

The representatives of takeout-delivery riders were also reminded to deeply learn the lessons of accidents, and consciously abide by traffic laws and regulations, with the aim of achieving safe-food delivery and “civilised travel”, whether going about their daily affairs or while undertaking food deliveries.

Local media’s take is that the leaders of each takeout-delivery firm deeply realised the importance of traffic safety as a result of the training session. The Nanjinger remains to be convinced.

After all, there have been more than enough people who ended up in hospital simply because someone else was too lazy to cook. Or who lacked the ability to do so.

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