
Money Talks

Money Talks (xiv); Adviser vs. DIY Investing; Consider a Self Test

There's no foolproof way to measure your success as a self-appointed financial planner. You may never know how your portfolio would perform if you paid a professional to manage it versus doing it yourself. But you can assess to...

Money Talks (xiii); Forget Cats’ Lives; 9 Ways to Sabotage Your Financial Freedom

According to a US Federal Reserve survey, about a third of American citizens who own their own homes do not have a retirement account for when they can’t or won’t be employed any longer. Nor do about two fifths...

Money Talks (xii); Behavioural Finance & How Personality Affects Your Growth

Behavioural finance, or behaviour-oriented financial market theory, is a rapidly growing field in finance that examines the effects of human emotions and behaviour on financial decisions.  In other words, this is how experiences or emotions influence the way you invest...

Money Talks (xi); Behavioural Finance & its Impact on Women

The science of behavioural economics suggests that women, compared to men, need much more knowledge and want to understand products better before they invest. Apparently, a common theme is that many women subconsciously think, “There’s no way I should...

Money Talks (x); Bitcoin Halving; What is it, Why is it & What Happened Before?

Before explaining this recent Bitcoin event, I would first like to affirm that I do not personally endorse Bitcoin investment, it as a haven for illicit money, its “pyramid” style mechanics and the amount of energy burned by Bitcoin...

Money Talks (ix); Employee Health Equals Financial Wellness

May is Global Employee Health and Fitness Month, the international observance of health and fitness in the workplace, founded in 1989 and designed to celebrate/promote healthy living for both employers and employees. By doing so, the average company experiences a...

Money Talks (viii); Managing Investments in Challenging Times

Holding your nerve can pay dividends in the long term. When the world feels uncertain, it’s easy for most investors to get anxious. Market highs, the challenges we face, conflicts in the Middle East and eastern Europe, economic headwinds...

Money Talks (vii); Rest Assured to Survive then Thrive

During our lifetimes, we strive to enjoy, excel and succeed, buying property, making investments for growth and purchasing trophies of our success in the way of holidays, activities, latest technology, cars and jewellry. Of course, all of these things...

Latest News

Nanjing Metro Line 7; Complete, Open & Very Very Deep

Today marked another milestone in the evolution of our City’s mass transit system, as the Nanjing Metro network put...

Earthrise @56; and the Role Played by Nanjing & NASA in it

This day, 56 years ago, a remarkable photograph was taken. The photographer was a man who’d spent time in...

Anniversary 87; Nanjing Massacre Victims’ Families Centre Stage

With its traditional ceremonial solemnity, the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders’ annual recognition...

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