Nanjing is continuing to take its baby steps toward being a truly international city, quite literally. Hence, we should be mindful of those with newborns and do some of the legwork. How to change a nappie on the Nanjing Metro?
If you are anything in Nanjing, it's looked after. The local filial spirit has watered down to the healthcare sector, meaning you are never far from people who are willing to help when in need.
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When it comes to English-language education on China, there are "international schools" and "international-style schools", with the former accepting foreign passport holders only, or the children thereof. The Nanjinger's list breaks down the most reputable names in the field.
While there are a multitude of restaurants in Nanjing serving western food, those able to call themselves a "western restaurant" are far fewer in between. The Nanjinger herein presents the crème de la crème.
For cuisines from other corners of...
Note that the majority of museums in Nanjing are closed on Mondays. Others have even stranger opening times. It is advisable to call ahead to check.
For more multitudes of useful and interesting Nanjing locales, download The Nanjinger's City Guide,...
Nanjing has many more faith houses than might be first be imagined, while the same is true for a tolerance of religious worship in general in our City, given its long historic association with Islam.
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Nanjing’s foreign community has changed much in recent years, and now Muslims make up a considerable portion of the city’s population from overseas. It therefore only makes sense that The Nanjinger makes available a bilingual list comprising many of...
Wet markets have come a long way in China since COVID. Once seriously questionable in their hygiene, today they are, by and large, clean, well lit and full of fresh produce. And once they know you, staff are friendly...