
National News

88 Elon Musk; Chinese on Cusp of becoming World’s Richest Man

Financial data emerging in the past few days paints a picture of the CEO of graphics chip maker Nvidia, Huang Renxun, becoming the richest man on Earth by early 2025. That’s if the surge in the firm's stock price...

Biggest Retirement Wave in History to Hit China; Happiness is the Key

China’s seniors are increasingly a happy bunch. And that’s just as well, for the next decade is set to see their numbers swell enormously, in a country which already has a serious problem as regards its aging population. Cheerful...

Betrothal Boycott; No More Free House for Marriage in China

New regulations aimed at guiding the public to rationally view the relationship between marriage and betrothal gifts now in effect in China and with the aim of establishing a healthy, frugal and civilised concept of marriage could be putting...

China’s Infant Noodle Scandal; Prices Now 6-40 Times the Norm

Cashing in on kids is hardly a new concept. But in China, the public now stands on the verge of outcry. Imported prams can cost thousands of renminbi, but the battle lines are today being drawn around a more...

Prices Skyrocket for Year of the Dragon Commemorative Banknotes; 1st in 24 Years

Cash is back in vogue, as people clamber to change money these days, seeking their hands on the most lucky money of all; commemorative Year of the Dragon currency. Yangzhou, in Jiangsu, is but one city where banks are...

Drone Users in China Beware; New Regulations are Now in Effect

Fans of aerial photography take note this year has seen rules regarding drone flying in China enter force. It’s a move reflecting the sheer number of drones out there, as well as a tendency for increasingly daring and dangerous...

Take a Train to the Place that doesn’t Exist; Hello Shangri-La!

Mythical Himalayan utopia, Shangri-La, is now within our grasp, thanks to a recently opened rail link out of Lijiang, one which will one day even be able to take us all the way to Lhasa, capital of Tibet. Start...

Hangzhou Joins Our Club! Where Else is a Megacity or Supercity?

What is a mega city? Which cities qualify in China? How do very large populations influence their own growth? And what factors are at play in driving population increase in order to propel cities in becoming the biggest of...

Latest News

1 Needle Cures Cancer; Beware Suspicious Sounding TCM Claims

Undercover investigations by a leading Chinese media outlet are underscoring the need to be vigilant as to some of...

“Rape of Nanking” Author Acknowledged 20 Years after Death

Today marks 20 years since the death of Iris Chang, author of “The Rape of Nanking” that brought a knowledge...

How Half the World’s Lenses for Glasses are Made in Danyang

Walking out of Danyang Railway Station that is just 25 minutes by high-speed train out of Nanjing, in Zhenjiang...

News Snippets from Jiangsu