
China Abroad

Canada Bus Crash; One Dead & 24 Jiangsu Tourists Injured

Canadian news has revealed a number of people from a Jiangsu tour group have been injured and at least one has died in a bus accident that occurred at 14:37 on 4 June, 2018. According to various reports, the tour...

Nanjinger Jailed in US for Insider Trading

Google searches into insider trading have landed a Nanjing man in an American jail for 15 to 30 months. The imprisoned has also been ordered to forfeit $119,429 of the proceeds that were made as a result of his...

Nanjing Cambridge Uni to Solidify China International Education

The UK's biggest study-abroad fair, showcasing 74 of the worlds universities that teach courses in English, was recently held in Manchester and London. China's presence at The STUDENT WORLD was strong, with universities discussing at length various education and...

You Say “Dofu”, I Say “Toufu”; The Global Rise of Mandarin

“Better start learning Mandarin!”, was the phrase of the early 2000’s, as more and more people returned from trips to China with a deeper understanding of what that meant; get on board. The more people that, over the past...

Adopted Boy from Nanjing Attends Embassy CNY Bash in Washington

A New Year celebration at the Chinese Embassy in Washington Monday evening included the touching attendance of 70 American families who have one thing in common; they have all adopted a child from China, with one from our very...

“Nanjwitter Instajing”; Blocked Social Media Sites Promote Nanjing Tourism

Nanjing has joined the ranks of other cities in eastern China that have teamed up with an international public relations outfit to provide western social media content that promotes in-bound tourism. Chicago, Illinois, USA-based PHG Consulting is no stranger to...

An Emmy and Global TV Debut Raise Massacre Awareness Abroad

Nanjing student, who is studying at Columbia University, has won an Emmy for her one-minute microfilm Nanjing Peacemaker. Luo Yiyun shot the film using only her cellphone, a selfie stick and US$100. Luo’s film beat 200 other competitors worldwide. She...
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Where was Capital of Jiangsu in History? Nanjing just 1 of 9!

Nanjing, the capital of numerous ancient dynasties and even the nation itself previously, is also capital of Jiangsu Province....

Hi 5! Nanjing’s Newest Metro Line Opens; 8 Years in the Making

They chose to do it on a Sunday. For it has been 8 long years since a spade was...

1st Blind Teacher in Wuxi is Shanghai Fudan University Graduate

Jiangsu is on the cusp of having its very first blind teacher, thanks to the dedication of a student...
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News Snippets from Jiangsu