
Regional News

Gone Crazy for Sausages as Local Couple Sell a Half Tonne a Day

Something’s up with the meat in Zhenjiang. It’s selling fast. In this economic climate. Equally strange is the fact that local government is getting the thumbs up. What the heck is going on in Zhenjiang? In a word, sausages. On...

Rat Found in Sesame Sauce Jar by Students in College Cafeteria

Fully eight people have been determined to have made use of a condiment jar containing a small rat in a Yangzhou vocational college. In a commendable commitment to transparency, the college in question has admitted the incident took place....

Suzhou Uni Paper Discussing Infringement Sued for… Infringement

Suzhou University has of late narrowly avoided a spot of egg on its face as a paper discussing infringement issues in one of its journal publications was sued for just that, infringement, before the plaintiff withdrew the lawsuit at...

Dogs Shot with Poisoned Darts; Culprit Caught with Fake Plates

Stealing dogs is back in the headlines at the moment, as police have concluded the case in which a man in Zhenjiang was actively engaged in profiteering from the sale of stolen dogs, many of which he had shot...

R.I.P. Zhuang Zhuang; Farewell to Jiangsu’s First Guide Dog

Guide dogs in China have a working life of 10 years. They are also extremely rare, with only a few hundred in the entire country. That’s what makes the passing of the very first one to work in Jiangsu...

Can Your Employer be Told if You Don’t Wear an E-Bike Helmet?

Government employees in Yangzhou of our very own Jiangsu Province are having their lives made even more miserable as a crackdown on illegal e-bike-usage habits spreads its tentacles even beyond the domain of civil servants. But is it an...

AI Brings Tears to Soldier’s Eyes but Where’s North Korean Girl?

With us to stay, without doubt, is artificial intelligence. But amid all the doom mongering, AI is also illustrating its uses from decidedly human perspectives, as shown in Huai’an of late in the preparation of a unique 100th birthday...

17 YO thought She was Pregnant; Volleyball Sized Fibroids Removed from Uterus

That women should maintain and healthy diet and avoid smoking or drinking alcohol to excess are the messages coming out of Taizhou in Jiangsu at present, after a girl as young as 17 was found to have enormous fibroids...
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Latest News

Where was Capital of Jiangsu in History? Nanjing just 1 of 9!

Nanjing, the capital of numerous ancient dynasties and even the nation itself previously, is also capital of Jiangsu Province....

Hi 5! Nanjing’s Newest Metro Line Opens; 8 Years in the Making

They chose to do it on a Sunday. For it has been 8 long years since a spade was...

1st Blind Teacher in Wuxi is Shanghai Fudan University Graduate

Jiangsu is on the cusp of having its very first blind teacher, thanks to the dedication of a student...
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News Snippets from Jiangsu