

Elderly local National Earth Award winner donates prize money

Li Yaodong, an elderly resident in Nanjing and winner of the Ninth Earth Award, has donated all of the

A dozen police and firemen rescue elderly man from ice

An elderly man who lives on the isolated island in the centre Yunlong Lake in Xuzhou, Jiangsu, has been rescued by police and firemen following his call for help after becoming trapped by ice. Yunlong Lake Police Station of...

First ticket issued for mobile use while driving

In a story that completley redefines the definition of the word "news", a driver in Nanjing was fined

Undergraduates invent SnakeBot for disaster search and rescue

Students in Southeast University have successfully invented a snake-like robot through two-years' effort, which can operate in complicated terrain of all kinds on survey, search and rescue tasks. The one-metre long SnakeBot is made out of 16 joints and...

Harsher rules curb urban traffic accidents

A newly revised road regulation paid off on Jan 1, the first day it took effect, as many Chinese cities reported a sharp decrease in urban traffic violations, according to the Ministry of Public Security. "On the first day...

Nanjing Wetland Culture and Science Museum undergoes trial opening

Seven Bridges Urn Wetland Science Museum, Nanjing

Design plan for Grand Theater of Jiangsu picked

Construction of the Grand Theater of Jiangsu, the largest cultural project in the province, was started on 25th December and the architectural plan for its external and internal features has been unveiled. The motifs seen in its exterior are...

Jiangsu purchases 3-million-kilowatts of power to secure supply

In order to secure an adequate power supply, Jiangsu province has bought 2 million kilowatts from other provinces like Fujian and Anhui and 1 million kilowatts from Northwest China Grid in an acceleration of trans-provincial purchase of power. With...
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Costco Nanjing Low Down; Grand Opening on 28 May

That we had heard the rumour was enough; discounted pumps are already flowing at the petrol station of soon-to-be-opened...

Where was Capital of Jiangsu in History? Nanjing just 1 of 9!

Nanjing, the capital of numerous ancient dynasties and even the nation itself previously, is also capital of Jiangsu Province....

Hi 5! Nanjing’s Newest Metro Line Opens; 8 Years in the Making

They chose to do it on a Sunday. For it has been 8 long years since a spade was...
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News Snippets from Jiangsu