
Ella Fisher

Cooking Chinese; 脆皮辣椒牛肉 Crispy Chilli Beef

Synonymous with Chinese cookery and a prevalent flavour in most savoury dishes, ginger has an unmistakable taste, which for me provides dishes with a slightly sour flavour, whilst giving subtle heat. I wanted to find a dish here where ginger...

Cooking Chinese; 面汤 Noodle Soup

Time  to focus on an ingredient that even the most well-mannered diners struggle to eat without looking ridiculous; noodles. My first experience of the street staple is something I will always remember. To start, I was taken aback by all...

Cooking Chinese; 香浓茄子蘑菇炖 Stewed Aubergines & Mushrooms

I love how vegetables can take a leading role at mealtimes in China. Instead of being the supporting side dish, veggies can (and do) take centre stage. Accustomed to a “meat and two veg” style of meal, I recently...

Cooking Chinese; 扬州炒饭 Yangzhou Fried Rice

Whenever I think of Italy, I think of pasta; England, I think of potatoes, and China, guess what, rice! I can’t believe I haven’t thought about doing a rice dish until now; it seemed so simple and yet so...

Cooking Chinese; 葱椒椒炒牛肉 Stir Fried Beef with Spring Onions, Peppers & Chilli

In the colder months I crave food that will warm me up. Naturally, I want lots and lots of chilli, so it is lucky I live in a country that will provide me with such dishes whenever I  want.  Chillies...

Cooking Chinese; 宫保鸡丁 Kungpao Chicken

Sichuan food is an extremely popular cuisine in China. Once you have tasted it, you understand why; the full whack of intense spices making your eyes and nose run leaves you craving more each time.  One particular spice that leaves...

Cooking Chinese; 西红柿炒鸡蛋 Stir Fried Egg & Tomato

So far, I have focused on traditional Chinese herbs and spices, but now I am going to cook using a key ingredient that features in nearly all Chinese cookery; the humble egg. Find it in noodles, rice, dumplings, soups,...

Cooking Chinese; 拍黄瓜 Smashed Cucumber Salad

The first herb that springs to mind when I think about Asian cooking is coriander. You can roast the seeds to create an aromatic curry, or chop up some of the leaves and sprinkle them over the top of...

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