
National News

Ready to Open up? China Southern “Talks” One World Membership

There are again encouraging signs emerging that China is preparing to reopen its borders to the outside world, as the country’s biggest airline is reportedly in negotiations at this time to join one of the world’s major airline alliances. When...

Murders, Kidnapping, Robbery & Hiding; the Case of Lao Rongzhi

Gruesome. It’s the only way to describe the tale of homicidal and violent criminal activity spanning 20 years over much of China which has now come to an end with the other half of a notorious pair handed the...

Is there an End to all these Nucleic Acid tests? For some, Maybe

We’re closing out November with some encouraging news. Some of us may soon not be experiencing a daily swab around the inside our mouths. That’s the lead story on Chinese media today; no more tests every day, but only...

World Cup “Ball Watching Delicacy” Sales Skyrocket across China

China’s retail economy is getting the shot in the arm it needs, particularly in the F&B sector, thanks to a ball being kicked around a field six and a half thousand kilometres away from Nanjing. Thank you, Qatar and...

Airline Circuit Breaker Policy to be Cancelled (+19 more Rules)

We’re not out of the woods yet, not by a long margin. But once again, there are encouraging signs that we are getting there, not least the cancellation of the so-called “circuit breaker” policy for airlines and a...

Mobile Phone Caution! Watch out for Shared Power Bank Outrage

Ever use those power banks which you can rent in restaurants to charge up your phone while dining? They are a popular utility but one now increasingly less so. In fact, they are beginning to infuriate many. Stay away...

Amazon Sued by Huawei in Landmark Patent Infringement Case

Now the glove is on the other foot. After decades of foreign companies taking legal action over the alleged abuse of their copyright and the outright copying of their products, it’s time to turn the tables. And big ol'...

Are Restrictions Really Lifted? Rush for Train Tickets Begins

Time to grab your train tickets for National Day. But to go or not to go is the question. Officially, yeah, do what you want. Unofficially, hmmm. Yet, there seem to be plenty train tickets available for those...
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Latest News

Costco Nanjing Low Down; Grand Opening on 28 May

That we had heard the rumour was enough; discounted pumps are already flowing at the petrol station of soon-to-be-opened...

Where was Capital of Jiangsu in History? Nanjing just 1 of 9!

Nanjing, the capital of numerous ancient dynasties and even the nation itself previously, is also capital of Jiangsu Province....

Hi 5! Nanjing’s Newest Metro Line Opens; 8 Years in the Making

They chose to do it on a Sunday. For it has been 8 long years since a spade was...
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News Snippets from Jiangsu