
Rain Zhong

Perhaps this Time… You Can NOT Clean Your Room

Adjusting that picture frame, pushing this chair in, aligning those slippers with each other, praising that perfectly symmetrical painting, unconsciously being drawn towards that triad-chord harmony. In general, we all have an inclination towards organised things.  My mum especially... When...

Kal-A.I-doscope 1; ChatGPT Meets Ted Hughes

This month, we dive into the poetic pool of mid-19th century English poet Ted Hughes and reinstate a nightmare of many IGCSE students (including me) worldwide. An analysis of one of Hughes works in particular serves well to set...

Kal-A.I-doscope 0; What Turns our Gears?

As long as 27 years ago, the chess computer Deep Blue beat the then world champion and chess grand master Garry Kasparov. Post-defeat, people, including Kasparov himself, suspected the AI of cheating with the help of a human, as...

Our Orbits May not be as they Seem

Last Christmas, one of my friends at school said to me: “It feels like you’ve been here forever, with all the impact you’ve had.” And this line has lived in my head rent free for the rest of the...

When was the Last Time You Saw a Turtle Walk Backwards?

We are all on the move. The Earth orbits the sun, spins around on its own axis. The wind blows, trees waver in its breeze; waves rise and fall, seawater evaporates into the clouds, and drops back down in...

What is the Very Pinnacle of Collaboration? L.O.V.E

Schools of fish swim together, packs of wolves hunt together, flocks of geese migrate together. Armies of ants can build whole civilisations underground, gathering food for all to eat. Prides of lions can take down full grown elephants if...

Through the Eyes of Dogs; Humans in Our Realm

For them, our history started approximately 30,000 years ago… In an era where the world was cold, hard to manoeuvre and food even harder to come by. It also didn’t help that at the same time humans were rapidly...

New York vs. Nanjing; So Who’s More Convenient Now?

With the rapid advancement of technology in the past few decades, more specifically the advancements made in AI machine learning, a fear has crept into people’s minds. Will AI one day replace us? Will the jobs of humans be...

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